Jewellery and its Empowerment

Photo Credit Dave

The Maasai women of Kenya are world renown for their statement Jewellery. For centuries they have created pieces of Jewellery that take your breath away. The vibrant colours, the heavy and enduring scale of some of these pieces can sometimes be uncomfortable for us Westerners to imagine wearing on a daily basis. But for these women, their Jewellery is a way of not simply adorning themselves, but telling the story of their lives, their culture and identity. 

Jewellery is a way for all of us to express ourselves, to present ourselves to the world. What we choose to wear is never an unconscious decision.

You may choose to wear the latest fashion Jewellery, showing your peers that you are up to date and interested in the current Jewellery trends. Or you may choose to never take off a necklace that someone important in your life has given you, symbolising your loyalty and the sentimentality that you hold in your jewellery.

In the Maasai tribe, they too choose their Jewellery consciously. In their culture, each colour in their beaded Jewellery means something:

Red symbolises bravery and strength, but above all, unity as it is the colour of the blood of the cow that is slaughtered when the community comes together during celebrations.

Blue symbolises energy and represents the sky. The sky is of great importance because it provides rain for the cattle. 

Green stands for the land, which grows food for the cattle. It symbolises health. 

Orange and yellow represent hospitality because they are the colours of the animal skins on guest beds.

White means purity, as it is the colour of the milk from the cows, considered by the Maasai as pure and holy animals. 

Finally, black symbolises the people and all the struggles they must endure.

In our culture, we too hold great meaning behind our Jewellery. By choosing to wear a Wedding band you are showing everyone that you have committed to share your life with someone. By choosing diamonds, you are showing symbols of strength and prosperity.

Jewellery can empower us all. It can make us feel alive and we can choose to express ourselves in any way we choose. Each day we wake up and whether we realise it or not we choose which Jewellery to wear depending on how we feel.

Do I want the world to see me today? Do I want to be subtle in my choices? Will I make a Statement by wearing something super chunky with a plain outfit and not abide by the western fashion rules, or will I keep things nice and simple. Jewellery is empowering and yet fun! It is individual and defining, so why not be more like the Maasai tribe, take ownership of who you are and wear what you want for all the right reasons. 


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